A.L.I.E.N. Living Presents: Herstory Is History: Women’s History Month


Words by MJbaker

Many of us measure our success by all the natural accolades life can offer: Money, Cars, Raises at Work, Likes on Social Media, etc. Some by what they achieve privately: The number of children they have, marriage, their mental health, etc.  I know there are many who struggle with which is more important; the balancing of them both.  Well,  I am excited to share for the month of March 2021, Women’s History Month, the public successes of some amazing women and how they have personally impacted my life.  Some of these women I know as friends and associates, others I simply just admire from afar. 

Normally, during this time of year we tend to praise famous or well-known women in history, however, I feel we have some history makers close around us. There are women manifesting dreams for themselves and others on a daily basis. Shit, they are practically giving birth to dreams every day, those dreams are called babies… LOL!!  

I will be featuring a number of women weekly for the month of March on my Instagram: @mjbakermusic!

Follow me in celebrating these great women and their impact on the world!!