A.L.I.E.N. LIVING: "The Hate You Give"

#A.L.I.E.N.LIVING: The Journey of Authenticity

The Hate You Give

*sigh*… here we go… Now I have been quite silent throughout the weeks within our current climate. A climate of racism, bigotry, prejudices and misunderstandings.  When the video came out about George Floyd, I didn’t watch it. I read an article and it took me down. But as I sat on my bed reading, I got numb. My spirit became quiet. That feeling is not unusual for me because it seems like every week we are hearing about some unarmed black man or woman being shot down because of someone else’s insecurities and fears, so it’s almost like you go numb. Then a few days later I finally cried and wailed asking the Creator for an answer and He just said “be still”.  I thought shouldn’t I be marching, shouldn’t I be saying something, shouldn’t I…. and He said “no. When you know your purpose. You know your place”. So, I asked Him “what’s my purpose Lord, where do I go with this?” and I felt led to pray and then the tears came again because I have brothers, nephews, and friends that are all black men.  I realized that during the times of boycotts and sit-ins, everyone wasn’t always on the frontline, because this kind of hatred isn’t just external, but internal. Racism is a spiritual rejection of self and just like we needed people marching we needed people praying and speaking life to the situation.  As you all know I am an advocate of therapy. I go to therapy now, still for the past 11 years. One thing you learn in therapy is that there is a root cause to everything. That just like trees and plants have roots that need to be nourished to grow, so do we. See, racism has a root that is planted and nourished over generations. It’s a mindset that is passed down through time from one generation to the next. The root… hmmm… the seed of racism is self-rejection. See, I can’t possibly love you, if I don’t love myself. If I can’t look at you with understanding and empathy, then I can’t look at myself the same way.  

Rejection goes both ways.  When we are constantly looking for someone to “approve” of us because we don’t “approve” of ourselves, then we never will get the acceptance we crave. The energy we give off is the energy we get.  That is why this blog is titled “The Hate You Give”, because when we expect negativity, we manifest negativity.  This doesn’t mean we sit home and do nothing. This means we check ourselves on a constant basis to make sure the moves we are making are in line with our purpose. Again I say… To KNOW YOUR PURPOSE is to KNOW YOUR PLACE! Some of us are becoming apart of things, movements, emotions, we aren’t purposed to be a part of, which can be dangerous.

     This is as much a spiritual battle as it is a natural one. My sister Nana Webster posted on IG a much needed saying about taking the time to breathe.  She didn’t get a lot of likes or comments on her post that day and I consider her as very popular.  Some people don’t want to hear that, but what she was saying is that if we take the time to slow down and breathe, we turn down the volume of negativity and we open the door to hear what our spirits are echoing. Our hearts may be broken and tired, but taking a moment to unplug and go within will give us the clarity and the opportunity to hear from a place higher than ourselves. It changes our frequencies and allows us to connect with God within in a way we normally don’t. Take a moment to breathe, pray, meditate… THEN you can hear your purpose in this current climate to see what your next move will be.  Whatever that “move” is do it out of purpose and not pain.  

So, for those of us who are not on the frontlines in the natural, we are on the frontlines in the spirit. Praying prayers of peace and prevention for others.    Pain begets Pain. Purpose breeds Results.

Love Always,
