Culture Sculpture: Playlists


Written by Mr. Al Pete

Remember when there was a thing called CDs…or even cassette tapes? Better yet…remember when you use to put a mix CD…or cassette tape together? Let me start with the cassette.

Back in my days…*Uncle Al stare*…we use to listen to the radio and quickly hit record to dub the song that was jamming at the time. When the song was over, you hit the pause button and wait until another dope song was played. With CDs, you basically dubbed the files you illegally downloaded from Napstar to a blank disc. It was a step up because you had more minutes to use. What a time to be alive *laughs*.

Those days are obviously over. Now, you can make a playlist. A list of your favorite songs…all on one shot. I’ve seen people make R&B (Mostly…shameless plug) playlists, 90s New York Hip Hop, and even Country playlists. If you think it’s possibly a playlist for what you’re thinking at the time, I’m sure it’s one out there. To go deeper, what makes playlists more special?

I give three scenarios on how a playlist can be an addition to your brand and to others. I could give more, but for the sake of time, these are the most important ones…in my opinion.

P.S. I didn’t mention earlier, but the fact that you can share the playlist SO easy! With a link. How dope is that…?! Greatness at your fingertips! Goodbye to the days of buying blank CDs and the popped tapes!

I know, I know…my mind is always on the business, but not with this first scenario. My brother, host, and music tastemaker J. Rel has been sharing his customized playlists with me for some months. He’s a stand up guy, but his music knowledge is another connection of our friendship (plus…that time we hung out before COVID took over…that’s where I got my full knowledge of his love for music).

Music can tell a good bit about a person…IF you’re a music lover like myself. Music coming from a respected tastemaker can illustrate any and every type of situation.

“Playlists are essential for whatever mood you’re in that day,” says J. Rel. It keeps you organized and focused for the day.” Got stuck on how to let your lover know you’re thinking of them? Playlist. Need some workout music? Playlist. Road trip? Yep…playlist.

Check out and follow J. Rel’s playlist selection HERE, and check out one of them below.

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Now…here comes the business…or Admin Al talk…

Having a playlist attached to your brand is helpful, as well. Outside of giving character to what the brand is, it also helps give the brand the niche that’ll keep their engagement steady.

“Part structure and part us being a music heavy podcast,” says Freddy Bricks. “The open songs are a segment, so the playlist are there to brand that particular segment split into two radios.”

Check out their weekly playlists HERE and stay updated with what The RL Organization plays on their show, and when ‘situations arise.’

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For our sub brand, The Groove Suite, we decided some years ago to focus on music that isn’t played in general areas, events, and stations. We have the podcast that has various artists and influencers on for interviews and discussion about this choice of music, as well as have events where we can come together and enjoy the space for these tunes. So yeah…why not have a playlist?

‘Sunday Vibes’ Queen ChristinaCurates curates her own show, along with our '#GROOVESUITEJAX Tuesday Tunes’ segment. “I want to expose people to music that they would not hear on the radio,” says ChristinaCurates. “I also involve other people, so that I can get a feel for what they’re listening to.” Our past guest curators have been EnerJi, M. Will, and DJ Foundation. It’s a dope way to find out what others are listening to. Especially if it’s from a DJ or an artist.

For the list of playlists from The Groove Suite, click HERE and follow us to catch their weekly song suggestions on Tuesdays!

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If you want to share your personal playlist with The MPN Gang, or be a guest curator , feel free to contact us in the comments. Also, for all of the artists, creators, business folks, influencers, etc., make a dope playlist and share it with the world. You never know…you might end up with a lead!

Enjoy your weekend…and ALL of the music we shared!