Calling ALL Northeast Journalists and Media Professionals!

Black media and the way the narratives have been exhibited is an ongoing topic. At times, we see a few media outlets created by Blacks, and other times, there isn’t much presence of it. The change comes at this moment.

The Northeast Florida chapter of The National Association of Black Journalists is hosting a network mixer on February 16th, 2023 at Breezy Jazz House. The purpose for this engagement is to welcome local Black media workers to join the chapter and add value to the growth of Black media in this district. They’ll be conversations about the mission of the chapter, understanding the objectives, and becoming a force for the area. Within this, they’ll be light hors d'oeuvres and some giveaways.

“I'm expecting to see a room full of visionary media professionals come together to make a mark on the Jacksonville community.” says Kendra Mazeke. “People will be networking, learning, and excited to see the foundation of this organization being laid. I feel like they will leave inspired and ready for what we are bringing.”

For more information on the mixer and to RSVP, click HERE. Share with anyone you feel would be a good fit to attend. Also, more information about The NABJ national organization can be found HERE.

We hope to see you there!