NEW MUSIC: Freddy Bricks 'Blood On My Birkenstock'


The Heckler has appeared with a package for the fans! ‘Blood On My Birkenstock’ is Freddy Bricks latest album release, and it fits perfectly with the previous albums he dropped on our ears.

This album is yet another journey through Bricks’ life. This ride brings us with some of his music friends that completes the assignment with all A’s. Expect some melodies, some fierce rhyming, and some hilarious skits and add ons. With Bricks whipping the wheel on the executive producer, producer, and emcee tip, B.O.M.B. is definitely cruising to the finish line.

Stand out tracks:

40 Degree Days (IntricateTheAlmighty and Flash the Samurai sound incredible together…need more from them? CLICK HERE)

Soutel Dr.


Yall know what’s good. Hit play and enjoy below. Niiiiiice!
