Podcasts worth the listen: November 2023

Happy November, Neighbors and Groovers! Welcome to 2024 *laughs*! Yes, it is the end of 2023 and as always, we hope it has been well for you and yours. We have some shows to share that we felt would be easy, informative, and educational.

The first show offers a perspective on how your physical and mental can be affected by doom scrolling (we had to look that one up…outside of catching the clues). Dr. Sahib Khalsa explains how being on our phones and consuming negative news and information brings our thoughts and our bodies down a few notches.

The second show is for the music lovers. Tank and J. Valentine have a great music podcast and in this particular episode, they spoke with Bryan-Michael Cox. He has been part of the success of some of our favorite R&B artists (Usher, Jagged Edge, etc) and he shares a lot on this episode. Enjoy, Groovers!

We shared the last show before and they are presented again. This episode has the gang reflecting on an issue that seems to be lingering in their clouds. If you’re familiar with the issue, it was good to hear their point of view. We do not want to give it away. Listening to it is good.

Enjoy the episodes and please share some podcasts that you think will be good to check out. Be great, everyone #TOTHETOP